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Quote from J.D. in My Number One Doctor

Dr. Cox: Hey, what do you say, 23?
J.D.: [v.o.] Oh, my God. Another new nickname. But whet does it mean? Play it cool, 23. You'll find out eventually.
J.D.: That's what they call me. Why do they call me that?
Dr. Cox: It's your new website ranking.
J.D.: What? How did I drop so low?
Todd: You know, after I fix that gall bladder, you might want me to do something about those flat boobies.
[Todd is wearing a badge that reads "Dr. John Dorian, MD Attending"]
J.D.: All I wanted to do was win at something, for once, and when I finally do, you have to go...
Dr. Cox: Excuse me, but do you really want me here for a lecture that I'm not gonna feel the least bit guilty about?
J.D.: Dismissed. Him, I expect this from, but you? I mean, you're my closet friend. In college, we shared a toothbrush.
Turk: I was not aware of that?
J.D.: We did.

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