Quote from Dr. Cox in My Perspective
Turk: I can't lie to a patient 'cause Dr. Kelso wants me to. Dr. Cox: See that guy in there? He has pancreatic cancer. Now, you and I both know he's a goner. But if he was to come out here and ask if he has hope, what am I supposed to say? "No"? Turk: So you're saying I should lie? Dr. Cox: Of course not. See... See that guy over there? Now, the only way he's ever gonna walk again is if he goes through years of painful physical therapy, but if he was to come over here and ask me "Is it gonna be hard?", I'd tell him "Damn skippy, it's gonna be hard!". Gandhi, you've got to tell your patients the truth. Now is that brain of yours starting to hurt? It should, because it's not as large as a normal size brain. Listen carefully: Kelso lies selfishly and indiscriminately. You, you gotta draw your own lie. This is half an Ibuprofen. It is the perfect dose for your pea-size brain. Take it after I leave, you'll save yourself the embarrassment.