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Quote from Dr. Kelso in My Boss' Free Haircut

Dr. Kelso: What we are dealing with are venostasis ulceres, most likely because of your weight.
Miss Goldman: Wow, you figured out that I'm fat. You're either a brilliant doctor, or every guy I've ever gone high school with.
Dr. Kelso: Okay, moving on. From the numbers I'm seeing on your fast and glucose and tryglicerines, I'm suspecting-
Miss Goldman: Metabolic syndrome?
Dr. Kelso: Yes. Now, this condition is not that rare.
Miss Goldman: One in five people have it.
Dr. Kelso: Stop doing that.
Miss Goldman: Why am I paying you to tell me things I've already figured out on my own?
Dr. Kelso: Maybe because I graduated first in my class at Stanford in 1972?
Miss Goldman: You graduated twelfth of your class in 1968.
Nurse Roberts: She Googled your ass.
Dr. Kelso: Laverne, I am not interested in your street lingo. What I am interested in is where she found that magic phone that keeps making me look like an idiot.

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