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Quote from Janitor in My Dumb Luck

Elliot: We don't need Dr. Cox. You know, we'll round up everyone else, and not just the doctors, we'll get all the non-medical personal too.
Carla: Good idea. Ted, who would you say is the leader of the support staff? [Ted points towards the Janitor]
Janitor: Well, well. Look who has come crawling back, through the desert of shame to the oasis of hope. Begging for just one sip of cool Janitor forgiveness. Well, the answer's no.
Elliot: Please, Janitor!
Janitor: All right, I'm in. Doggone it, I cannot resist that adorable mug of yours. I would have to throw a cup of acid on it to keep it from having power over me. Grr.

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