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Quote from Moira in Surprise Party

Moira: Jocelyn, I'm so glad I've run into you. Roland was mentioning your fundraiser earlier today and it got me thinking-
Jocelyn: My what?
Moira: Your annual fundraiser for the children with troubled mouths.
Jocelyn: Oh, right. Yes. It's gonna be quite a night.
Moira: I hope so, 'cause I'd like to be involved.
Jocelyn: With?
Moira: Your fundraiser. As I'm sure you know, I was on the board of some of the most profitable not-profits, from San Francisco to London. And after speaking with Roland, I realized I was remiss not to gift you with my wealth of experience.
Jocelyn: Wow. That's very generous of you, Moira. I was gonna ask you, but I didn't wanna impose.
Moira: Jocelyn, you must stop being intimidated by me. It's unnerving.

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