Sally Struthers Quotes

Find quotes from 1 of Sally Struthers's TV roles.

  • Babette Dell - Gilmore Girls Babette Dell - Gilmore Girls

    Lorelai Gilmore has an especially close bond with her daughter, Rory, whom she had when she was sixteen. Wanting what's best for her daughter, Lorelai is even willing to reconnect with her estranged parents, Richard and Emily, so they will help put star pupil Rory through a local private school.

    Recurring Character 52 quotes

Gilmore Girls: Babette Dell Quotes

Quote from I'd Rather Be in Philadelphia

Babette: [on the phone] What's the news with your dad?
Lorelai: Well, he's in surgery right now, but we think he's gonna be okay.
Babette: Oh, yeah, I'm sure. Don't you worry about a thing. He's a very vital man, your dad. Lots of chi, you know?
Lorelai: Oh really? I didn't know you noticed his chi.
Babette: Are you kidding me? Prana, chi, life force... whatever you call it, your daddy's got it in spades. Sexy men like him often do. That's what makes them so sexy. They're ripe with life.
Lorelai: O-kay.
Babette: He's gonna be fine.
Lorelai: Thanks, Babette.
Babette: He's like Warren Beatty, your dad, or Sean Connery, or... who's that one I always found so sexy? The evil politician with the glasses... Henry Kissinger!
Lorelai: Oh, yeah, I know him.
Babette: You might not agree with his politics. You might have lived through Vietnam and thought, "Wow, that man is the devil," but you can't deny he's sexy. You know why? Chi.


Quote from Lorelai? Lorelai?

Luke: Okay, here you go ladies. Little hot water for you, Miss Patty. And for you, Babette, a bowl of Shredded Wheat.
Babette: It's for my throat, it give it a rougher quality, a husk sound sorta like Debbie Herry meets Ethel Merman.

Quote from The Long Morrow

Babette: You're back!
Lorelai: [screams] Oh! God, Babette, you scared me.
Babette: Yeah, it's my voice. It frightens the hell out of people. I don't know what to do about it.
Lorelai: Well, you could start by not hiding in people's houses and leaping at them when they come home.
Babette: It's the nodules.
Lorelai: Who?
Babette: It's the nodules on my vocal chords. The more I strain my voice, the more they grow. It's nature's way of trying to get me to talk softer.
Lorelai: Babette, one. Nature, nada.