Babette Quote #45

Quote from Babette in I'd Rather Be in Philadelphia

Babette: [on the phone] What's the news with your dad?
Lorelai: Well, he's in surgery right now, but we think he's gonna be okay.
Babette: Oh, yeah, I'm sure. Don't you worry about a thing. He's a very vital man, your dad. Lots of chi, you know?
Lorelai: Oh really? I didn't know you noticed his chi.
Babette: Are you kidding me? Prana, chi, life force... whatever you call it, your daddy's got it in spades. Sexy men like him often do. That's what makes them so sexy. They're ripe with life.
Lorelai: O-kay.
Babette: He's gonna be fine.
Lorelai: Thanks, Babette.
Babette: He's like Warren Beatty, your dad, or Sean Connery, or... who's that one I always found so sexy? The evil politician with the glasses... Henry Kissinger!
Lorelai: Oh, yeah, I know him.
Babette: You might not agree with his politics. You might have lived through Vietnam and thought, "Wow, that man is the devil," but you can't deny he's sexy. You know why? Chi.


 ‘I'd Rather Be in Philadelphia’ Quotes

Quote from Emily

Lorelai: I'm just saying it's a cliche.
Emily: What is?
Lorelai: Hospital food being bad.
Emily: Exactly.
Lorelai: What?
Emily: It's a cliche for a reason. Cliches are true things that people are tired of being true. Like, "a penny saved is a penny earned." Well it is, invested wisely.
Lorelai: I don't think that's a cliche, mom.
Emily: What do you mean? Of course it's a cliche.
Lorelai: It's not a cliche. That's more an overused saying, like "I'm sweating bullets" or "it's as cold as ice."
Emily: Well, some overused sayings are true, like "children should be seen and not heard."
Lorelai: "Mother knows best."
Emily: "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."

Quote from Emily

Emily: What happened to all the competent people? That's what I'd like to know. Was there some giant hole they all fell into or a virus that struck them all down, leaving the morons of the world to sit behind the desks?
Lorelai: Mom, wouldn't you like to sit down, have a nice cup of tea?
Emily: I don't want a cup of tea. What I want is the most perfunctory level of competence from the people with whom I interact. And that apparently is far too much to ask for.
Rory: Grandma, we have snacks.
Lorelai: Yes, Mom, snacks. We have salty snacks and sweet snacks and sweet/salty hybrid snacks.
Emily: I mean, even at the club, I'm telling you, the young men and women that work there must have a combined I.Q. of a grapefruit. You ask them for a towel, and they look at you with the most vacant eyes. I'm telling you, I thought the girl at reception was blind the entire first month she worked there. Blind, but very enthusiastic about the application of eyeliner.
Lorelai: Sounds pretty.
Emily: My husband has a heart attack, and how long does it take them to find me? 40 minutes. The nitwit probably got lost between the front desk and the tennis courts.

Quote from Lorelai

Rory: I keep thinking this is all just a nightmare.
Lorelai: I know.
Rory: But it's not.
Lorelai: No. I mean, it's a nightmare but not a nightmare nightmare. I know 'cause I have shoes on. In my nightmares, I never am wearing shoes.
Rory: I didn't know that.
Lorelai: Yeah, yeah. It's the worst thing in the dream, too. I could be chased by snakes or in a nuclear explosion, but then I look down, and, "Oh, my god! I'm not wearing shoes!"
Rory: Huh. I wonder what that means.
Lorelai: Well, probably means I have a fear of hurting my bare feet or of losing my shoes.
Rory: Not so Freudian, huh?
Lorelai: For me, a snake is just a snake, a slingback is just a slingback.