Ron Swanson Quote #439

Quote from Ron Swanson in The Pawnee-Eagleton Tip Off Classic

Donna: I mean, did you steal this from a museum? Maybe find it frozen in ice? It looks like the original phone from the movie Wall Street.
Tom: I think it's just the original phone, period. Ew, gross, it has "buttons."
Diane: Okay, girls, this is a magic phone, okay? Only you and I have got the numbers. So if you ever need Ron for any reason, you just call and he'll be there in a flash.
Ron Swanson: Yes, I will. I'll keep it right here. It snaps right in, snug and secure.
Tom: A cell phone belt clip? No, Ron. Oh, my God!
Donna: Yeah, I can't be seen with you.


 ‘The Pawnee-Eagleton Tip Off Classic’ Quotes

Quote from Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson: Who or what is Penny Saver?
Tom: It's a free circular with a bunch of coupons in it.
Ron Swanson: This was sent to Ron Swanson at Diane's address, where I've lived for less than a month. How is that possible? This is an extreme invasion of privacy.
[aside to camera:]
Ron Swanson: The right to privacy is very important to me. My family has had a single P.O. box for several generations. We only ever subscribe to two magazines, Reader's Digest and Ebony. Ebony was due to a clerical error, but it ended up being an interesting year of reading.

Quote from Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson: I don't see what the problem is. I will give you a certain amount of gold in exchange for a recreational vehicle.
Earl: I still need an address for insurance purposes.
Ron Swanson: This will be my new home. The address is wherever it is parked.

Quote from Leslie Knope

Todd: Leslie, you're down 15 points in the latest poll for the recall election. What can you do to make up the deficit?
Leslie Knope: I'll tell you what I'd do if I was an Eagletonian. I'd pop a Xanax and ask my butler to help me out. [laughter] I mean, I'm not saying that Eagletonians are out of touch. But when you tell 'em it's time to change their oil, they ask, "Extra virgin or white truffle?" [laughter] Thanks, guys. I'll see ya at the game. Unless, of course, you're an Eagletonian, and then you'll be too busy polishing your monocle at the caviar store. Knope out. [microphone feedback; laughter]