Ron Swanson Quote #298
Quote from Ron Swanson in Live Ammo
Chris: Ron Swanson, it is my pleasure to inform you that you are a finalist for the job of Assistant City Manager.
Ron Swanson: Chris, I feel I should remind you that I do not believe that the position or the entire government should exist. That said, you'd be a fool not to pick me.
[aside to camera:]
Ron Swanson: I will walk deeper into the belly of the beast if it means I'm able to further limit reckless government spending. I mean, I have so many ideas. Some are simple like "Take down traffic lights" and "Eliminate the Post Office." The bigger ones will be tougher, like "Bring all of this crumbling to the ground."
Parks and Recreation Quotes
‘Live Ammo’ Quotes
Quote from Ron Swanson
Ron Swanson: [aside to camera] All told, we were in there about six hours. And no, I was not meditating. I just stood there, quietly breathing. There were no thoughts in my head whatsoever. My mind was blank. I don't know what the hell these other crackpots are doing.
Quote from Donna
Donna: [aside to camera] Each animal has a photo, special talents, and a personal history... That I made up. A lot of these dogs have rescued people from burning buildings. This one helped Ray Charles around.
Andy: What? This cat was in Boogie Nights?
Quote from Ann
Ann: I... love you so much. Look at all these blankets. One on the ottoman, one on the chair, one on the couch... here, feel.
Leslie Knope: Holy hell, that's soft. Oh, my God, is that...
Ann: Yep! A whole shelf of coconut water.
Leslie Knope: I think I'm gonna cry. This is like girl heaven. Did he do all this just for you?
Ann: No! He just lives like this. He's deeply in debt, but you know what? Who cares! 'Cause check it out. Cheese plate and Adriatic figs. Leslie, this is always here. I don't know when he has time to make it. Boutique eye cream, unisex cologne, lip exfoliator, chocolate-covered almonds, and a Sudoku book... just amenities everywhere!
Leslie Knope: I love amenities.
Ann: I know!
Ann: Check this out. It's the best part. 80 degrees. Night and day.