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Quote from Ben in The Bubble

Ben: You know what? It's just not possible. And don't even bother trying to outflank me either, because you will fail.
Marlene Knope: Where did all this confidence come from all of a sudden?
Leslie Knope: Hey, guys, come on. Let's relax.
Ben: You know, Ms. Griggs-Knope...
Marlene Knope: Marlene.
Ben: There's probably a compromise here.
Marlene Knope: "Compromise is usually a sign of weakness."
Ben: Yes, it is, according to Andrew Carnegie. But your demands remind me of a different quote, from the great Bill Watterson... "You need a lobotomy. I'll get a saw."
Marlene Knope: I love Calvin and Hobbes.
Ben: Me too!
[aside to camera:]
Leslie Knope: I gotta say, this is some of my best work. This could not have gone better. [Marlene strokes Ben's thigh] They are really hitting it off. Thank God. Crisis averted.

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