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Quote from April in The Stakeout

April: Do you live here?
Ron Swanson: April?
April: Yeah. Do you live here?
Ron Swanson: No.
April: Catch. [throws a sharpie] Yeah, I thought so. I went home, but I had this strange feeling that there was something wrong with you, so I came back.
Ron Swanson: It's just a minor medical issue.
April: AIDS?
Ron Swanson: No. I'm safe.
April: Blindness?
Ron Swanson: No.
April: Is it like a parasite or a virus or something you get from a bee?
Ron Swanson: I have a hernia.
April: Do you have syphilis?
Ron Swanson: I said it's a hernia.
April: I know. It's possible to have two things.

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