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Quote from Andy in A Parks and Recreation Special

Leslie Knope: What's going on here? Oh, my God, oh, my God! It finally happened!
Ron Swanson: Leslie, you said you needed something to lift your spirits, so Andrew... take it away.
Andy: [plays guitar] Up in horsey heaven Here's the thing
Ben: Every time with this song.
Ron Swanson: Wyatt!
Ben: [holds up phone as a lighter] Here we go.
Andy: Trade your legs for angel's wings Once we go all said good-bye
Ben: This is a long song.
Tom: Shut up, Ben!
Andy: You take a runnin' leap and you learn To fly
All: Bye-bye little Sebastian Miss you in the saddest fashion Bye-bye, little Sebastian You're 5,000 candles in the wind
Ben: I'm gonna run out my entire battery.
Jerry: [sighs]
Ron Swanson: Though we all miss you every day
Ann: We know you're up there eatin' Heaven's hay
Jerry: And here's the part that hurts The most
Donna: Humans cannot ride A ghost
Andy: Everybody sing it now!
All: Bye-bye, little Sebastian I miss you in the saddest fashion Bye-bye Little Sebastian You're 5,000 candles In the wind
Andy: Maybe some day we'll saddle up again I know I'll always miss My horsiest friend
Leslie & Andy: Spread your wings and fly Spread your wings and fly [all whoop, cheering]

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