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Quote from April in 2017

April: It takes like eight hours to cook something in this thing. I guess I could pick up a brisket tomorrow and start it for dinner Thursday.
Andy: Oh, Thursday's no good. I have production meetings all day. Then we've got dinner with Joe and Donna on Friday. Hey, you know, Sunday. We can go to the farmer's market, put the brisket in the slow cooker, get a movie on pay per view. The new Jason Bourne movie's supposed to be pretty funny.
April: [screams] Andy? We're planning our whole week. Like old people. We used to be spontaneous and weird. We used to eat cereal out of frisbees because we didn't have any bowls. You once broke a rib trying to wrestle one of those inflatable floppy guys at a car dealership.
Andy: I won.
April: Now you sprained your shoulder trying to clean out the stupid gutter. You even have a job. We have a bank account! That's it. We've held out as long as we could, but it finally happened. We're boring. We're boring people who will bore each other by being boring.
Andy: No! We are still fun. I'm gonna prove it to you. Tonight at the gala, we are gonna do something spontaneous and weird.
April: Okay. [to the slow cooker] Stop taunting me.

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