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Quote from Ben in Moving Up (Part 1)

Ben: Apparently, and I don't know how, but the game has spread. I mean, it's all over the Internet... Austin, Charlotte, San Diego. I mean, people are playing with my Cones, babe.
Leslie Knope: That's great.
Ben: I'm just bummed I never copyrighted it. Oh, I'll look into that, but at least because of it, Pawnee will get free wireless, and we can both move away with a clear conscience. Uh-oh. What's wrong?
Leslie Knope: I... I can't leave Pawnee during a difficult merger that I'm responsible for. I have to turn down the job.
Ben: Leslie, no. You made up your mind yesterday. You... Michelle Obama.
Leslie Knope: I know, but I've been doing this for months. The only thing that I am 100% positive on is that I want to stay and go. I'm never gonna be able to decide. I'm gonna be paralyzed by hypotheticals until I die here, in this minivan... at the San Francisco airport.
Ben: Wait a second. I have an idea. [to the taxi driver] Drive here.

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