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Quote from Donna in Donna and Joe

Leslie Knope: [gasps] Oh, my God. Oh, look at how beautiful you look.
Donna: Leslie, I'm not even in my dress yet.
Leslie Knope: But you're gonna be very soon.
Donna: All right, I want to say something to my girls. Knope, you're a softie, but on the inside, you're a straight-up boss. April, you're the exact opposite. Y'all inspire me and I love you. And you, too, Michelle. Michelle... You were my best friend from childhood. Until we lost touch 'cause you thought your college boyfriend was into me. He was. I never gave him the time of day. But now, we're rebuilding our friendship. Is this wedding going to be a test for you? Yes. But the doctors once told you you were never going to walk again. So this should be easy, right?
Leslie Knope: Wow, what a complicated tapestry that is.
Donna: Bring it in. Bring it in. Bring it in.

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