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Quote from Ron Swanson in How a Bill Becomes a Law

Ron Swanson: If you're here to complain about the pothole, I guarantee I did it correctly.
Diane Lewis: Actually, I'm here to ask you out for dinner.
Ron Swanson: Really?
Diane Lewis: Well, I hope you're not the kind of man who needs to ask the lady out. I'm a middle school vice-principal. I don't screw around. Does that freak you out?
Ron Swanson: No, on the contrary.
Diane Lewis: So, dinner?
Ron Swanson: Please and thank you.
Diane Lewis: Well, it'll be casual. No need to wear makeup.
[aside to camera:]
Ron Swanson: I begrudgingly admit that the 311 program is a moderate success. I'm still not sure why the citizen decided to come speak with me in person, but I'm just happy to see a government program finally work.

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