Schmidt Quote #964
Quote from Schmidt in What About Fred
Schmidt: You know what, Nick, you were right. A bar isn't just a place of business. It's a place for people.
Nick: Mm.
Schmidt: Which is something I truly hate about it. Bunch of bottom-feeders here. Chum at the bottom of the ocean. Yuck.
New Girl Quotes
‘What About Fred’ Quotes
Quote from Jess
Jess: So Fred's not shy, he just sucks. When I asked him what his favorite hobby was, he said, "Towels." I got to break up with that human pile of saltine dust.
Quote from Winston
Winston: I love Flip! I mean, Flip taught me how to be vulnerable with KC, you know? Yeah. Nancy ear-candled me. I can hear for miles.
Quote from Schmidt
Nick: It was that bad, huh?
Schmidt: No, Birdman was bad. This... this was a disaster. I'm here to help you, okay? Look, I have over nearly ten years of experience in the corporate world.
Nick: What's "over nearly ten"?
Schmidt: "Nearly ten" would be eight or nine years. I have... I have over nine years.
Nick: That's different, yeah.
Schmidt: Got you a tie. Corporate 101. Dress better than your employees. Reminds them that they're inferior.
Nick: I'd wear a tie, but only on my butt, like it were a tail. A tail tie.