Jess Quote #1286

Quote from Jess in Tuesday Meeting

Jess: Russell? We need to talk.
Russell: Oh, I'm scared of this energy.
Cece: Ya best be. Ya best be scared.
Russell: Is she drunk?
Jess: Yeah. On four glasses of Chardonnay and two pots of coffee. And I'm drunk on rage!
Cece: Knock-knock, boys. Open your brain doors.
Jess: Sit down, Cece.
Jess: Okay. Look, I've let this slide too much in my life, but no more. You may not want me in this meeting, but I belong here.
Russell: Yeah, I-I'm not sure you do.
Jess: Too late, Russell. I'm bustin' in.


 ‘Tuesday Meeting’ Quotes

Quote from Cece

Cece: Every woman has a "Tuesday meeting" they haven't been invited to. How many times in your life have you been excluded from something important or talked over or ignored because you're the only woman in the room? It was different when I was running my own company, but ever since we joined with GKM, I've had to start dealing with this male-pattern dumbness.
Ken: Ugh. What is that?
Cece: It's a breast pump, Ken. I said I needed time to pump, and you refused to change the meeting, so here we are. Now, for the jeans campaign. Which one of these guys says, "I'm having fun in Toronto"? [pumping continues]
Cece: So, for half an hour, they had to sit there and watch me get milked like a freaking cow.
Jess: Oh, yeah, your nipples looked like pizza bagels in that thing.
Cece: Yeah, they do.

Quote from Winston

Winston: You know something, I used to think that Nick was the Guttenberg, but it turns out he may be the little lady.

Quote from Cece

Cece: Wait, so, you're saying that you're doing Russell's busywork? That you, Jessica Day, former principal of an entire school, is doing his busywork? Nah, girl. Nah, hold up. One sec. [drinks coffee]
Jess: How's that wine and coffee combination treating you?
Cece: My heart is beating really fast, but time is moving really slow, so it all kind of evens out.