Nick Quote #1133

Quote from Nick in Christmas Eve Eve

Jess: All right, well, whoever got Schmidt better have brought it, 'cause Winston set the bar really high.
Schmidt: Oh, here we go, here we go. Here we go. Ooh...
Cece: Ooh...
Schmidt: Cashmere socks! Dayanu! [Cece chuckles] Well, it's not Winston, it's not Jess. Cece?
Cece: No. No, it's not me.
Nick: I got you, boy.
Schmidt: No way.
Nick: I got you.
Schmidt: This is you?
Nick: This is me.
Schmidt: Nicholas! [laughs]
Nick: Yeah, come on.
Schmidt: I don't know why I'm finding the image of you mispronouncing the word "cashmere" in a store... to be so joyful.
Nick: "Cadsh-mer."


 ‘Christmas Eve Eve’ Quotes

Quote from Reagan

Jess: [on the phone] So I fly you down. You are my gift to Nick. What do you say?
Reagan: I don't know, Jess. I mean, I have a really big pitch tomorrow. It's a treatment for... I mean, the polite term is "gravelly bowel syndrome."

Quote from Winston

Winston: Let's see. KXHD136.
Schmidt: You memorized the package tracking number, but you didn't know that you could use that number to track the package?
Winston: What?! 9:18 A.M. refused delivery? Did you refuse a package to Retired Rear Admiral Jay Garage-A-Roo?
Schmidt: Listen to what you just asked. Of course I did.
Winston: Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it, Schmidt! I am Retired Rear Admiral Jay Garage-A-Roo! It is my Secret Santa alias.
Schmidt: Oh.
Winston: Yeah. Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!

Quote from Winston

Winston: You didn't sign for it!
Schmidt: How was I supposed to sign for Garage-A-Roo's package? You and your dang old aliases. You have a new alias every day, Winston.
Winston: Yes, but you should know it's me!
Schmidt: Garage-A-Roo, Kenneth.
Winston: But it was me clearly! Kenneth Kenneth. Rick Smits, Big Poppy Jones.
Schmidt: These are the dumbest names I've ever heard!
Winston: Pontius Pilate.
Schmidt: AKA idiot. Maybe that truck is still in the neighborhood. Let's go out and try and get it.
Winston: Wait! This just became a Schmidt and a Jay Garage-A-Roo mess-around.
Schmidt: Freakin' Jay Garage-A-Roo.