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Quote from Nick in Return to Sender

Nick: Hey, uh, Gavin, hold up. Um... I feel like I can say this to you because, well, you know, we shared a cup.
Gavin: You really live by a specific code.
Nick: Look, we both know how this is gonna go down, Gavin. You're gonna get Schmidt's expectations up, and then you're gonna bail.
Gavin: I know.
Nick: Just be better. Be his dad. Just be there for him, even when it's not fun, and sometimes it's really not fun. I know. I've been doing it for 15 years.
Gavin: Thank you.
Nick: Don't thank me. Just promise me if you show up for dinner tonight, you'll show up tomorrow and the day after and the week after, and basically forever.
Gavin: I will be there.
Nick: Will you, Gavin? Will you? Will you, Gavin?
Gavin: I will.
Nick: Will you? Will you, Gavin?
Gavin: You're really dragging this out.
Nick: No, I've already gone through everything I had rehearsed. I really thought the elevator would be here by now.
Gavin: We could talk about other stuff.
Nick: Can we, Gavin? Can we?
Gavin: Yeah.
Nick: Can we, Gavin? [elevator bell dings] Oh, thank God.

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