Winston: This is your fault. I need Jess.
Cece: No, you know what, no, you don't need, you don't need Jess. 'Cause I'm here, and I've got this. So what can I do that's Jess-like? You want some, you want some tea? You want, like, cupcakes or a cute song?
Winston: I need Jess.
Cece: Um, okay, you know what, I'm gonna do the tea thing. How about I do the tea thing for you, and then I'll, it'll soothe you, okay? So, how do I, how do you make tea?
Winston: How do you make tea?!
Cece: I'll fig... I'll figure it out. I'll just get some water and I'll ta...
Winston: Yeah.
Cece: You know, it's...
Winston: Water and leaves! Water and leaves!
Cece: Water and leaves.