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Quote from Jess in Shark

Fawn Moscato: I'm sorry about the construction noise... it's an issue close to my heart... I do charity work with deaf children. Of course, they would welcome the noise, because it would mean they could hear. Let me let you in on a little secret. Just go to the public works web site and download this form.
Jess: You're a dear, Fawn. [Fawn laughs] I made a pun and I didn't know it.
Fawn Moscato: You're too much. [to Schmidt] Oh. Hi.
Jess: Schmidt, this is Fawn Moscato. She was just giving me a shortcut to file some complaints about the noise. [whispers] Looks like someone brought a shark to the dolphin show. [squeaks] That's a dolphin noise.
Ah. Very good.

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