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Quote from Schmidt in Dance

Schmidt: Hey, buddy, uh, Tommy, is it? I just I just wanted to apologize for what happened before, kiddo. [gets down on his knee]
Tommy: What, are you gonna propose to me, now? [kids chuckle]
Schmidt: [laughs] That's funny. No, I I get it. You know, when I when I was young, I too found that humor can be a useful tool.
Tommy: Dude, get up, I'm not gonna marry you.
Schmidt: [short laugh] I too found that humor can be a... [clears throat] a useful tool. And then you grow up and you become a man.
Tommy: Well, you smell like a woman.
Schmidt: That's it, enough is enough with you. You think you're a tough guy, tough guy? Prove it, man.
Tommy: Name the time and place.
Schmidt: 15 minutes, parking lot.
Tommy: Fist fight?
Schmidt: Foot race.
Tommy: A what?
Schmidt: Yeah, you heard me foot race, man. I'll run circles around you and all your pals. [stomps]

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