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Quote from Nick in 300 Feet

Schmidt: What are we going to do now?
Nick: Deny, deny, deny. There's no way she'll know it's us.
Connie: Oh, hey, guys. I just came by to return your fish.
Nick: I've never seen that fish before in my life.
Schmidt: Ooh, is that a branzino? Whoever bought that fish has impeccable taste.
[Connie shows Nick and Schmidt a security-camera recording of them placing the fish]
Nick: I mean, I guess they kind of look like... Nah, that doesn't even... No, that's...
Connie: Really?
Nick: Yeah, good luck finding those guys.
Schmidt: Of course it's us.
Nick: Why'd you admit it?!
Schmidt: We're right there! We might as well be wearing name tags!

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