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Quote from Nick in Bob & Carol & Nick & Schmidt

Schmidt: Why are you putting spoons in the laundry hamper?
Nick: I'm hiding our nice stuff. See, my cousin Bobby and Carol are coming in town, and they're gonna ask me for money, so I'm... I'm trying my hardest to look poor.
Winston: You are poor.
Nick: Technically, yes, but I'm also the richest Miller in the history of our family. I mean, I own part of a bar, I have a savings account. I don't fully understand how to use it, but I do have it.
Schmidt: Nick, you're doing great; you really been stepping it up lately. Calm down.
Nick: Thanks. The other day... The other day, I was at a restaurant, and they asked if I wanted avocado, and... and I said, "Yeah." And they said, "It's extra," and I go, "Shh. I know it's extra, but... but I want it."

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