Adrian Monk Quote #116
Quote from Adrian Monk in Mr. Monk and the Other Woman
Adrian Monk: Oh, my God! Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Sharona: What? What's wrong?
Adrian Monk: It's perfect. It's immaculate. You see, it's divided into different sections gardening, automotive. You made little labels so that you always know where everything goes.
Monica Waters: My husband was very organized, so I guess it kind of rubbed off.
Adrian Monk: Hold it! Hold it. May I? [straightens tennis racket] That's got it. May I say something? If I ever have a garage, I want it to look just like this.
‘Mr. Monk and the Other Woman’ Quotes
Quote from Adrian Monk
Adrian Monk: She's always with me. Every time I close my eyes. She's always 34 years old. She's always wearing the same dress. And she's always so...
Dr. Kroger: Adrian? I have something to say. It's been four years since you lost Trudy. That- That's a long time.
Adrian Monk: It is?
Dr. Kroger: Yeah. Have you ever considered dating again?
Adrian Monk: No. I've thought about thinking about it.
Quote from Adrian Monk
Adrian Monk: We used to come here all the time.
Monica Waters: You and your wife?
Adrian Monk: Yeah, it's so different. That blackboard was over there, and I think the salt and pepper shakers are new.
Monica Waters: Is that it?
Adrian Monk: Yeah, that- That's it.
Monica Waters: You don't like change, do you?
Adrian Monk: I have no problem with change. I just don't like to be there when it happens.
Quote from Adrian Monk
Adrian Monk: Excuse me. I wonder, could I get separate plates for the potatoes and the vegetables?
Waitress: You want them all on separate plates?
Adrian Monk: Please.
Waitress: Okay.
Monica Waters: You don't like your food to touch?
Adrian Monk: I believe most people don't like their food to touch. They just don't have the guts to admit it.
Monica Waters: And I bet you bring your own silverware.
Adrian Monk: No. Please. I'm not a fanatic. [wipes fork with napkin]