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Quote from Adrian Monk in Mr. Monk Paints His Masterpiece

Petya Lovak: Is this some of your work? Do you mind if I... Please? Oh, I love this. [places on painting on easel]
Adrian Monk: Well... Yeah. [reorients painting] Actually, it's a banana.
Petya Lovak: It's a flat... It's a flat banana.
Adrian Monk: Yes. I had my assistant flatten it, straighten it.
Petya Lovak: A flat banana. I get it. I love it. I want it.
Adrian Monk: You want to buy it?
Petya Lovak: Yes, I give you $300 cash. And I'll take it right away.
Adrian Monk: $300?
Petya Lovak: Let's make it 500. And this one too. I must have this.
Adrian Monk: No no, that one doesn't count. I messed it up. That- It's just a swoosh.
Petya Lovak: No, Mr. Monk. Let me tell you. You say more with one swoosh than most artists say with a million swoosh. Just look at this. From a distance. Eternity dives. Brilliant! There. So can I propose to you a thousand dollars for both those pieces? Do we have a deal?
Adrian Monk: I don't usually shake hands, but I thank you.
Petya Lovak: Mr. Monk, you are a true revelation. And I would like the world to know it.
Adrian Monk: I don't know what to say.
Petya Lovak: Don't say anything. Just paint, paint, paint! And when you can't paint anymore, just continue painting.

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