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Quote from Harold Krenshaw in Mr. Monk Fights City Hall

Harold Krenshaw: I'm talking about your new therapist. The mystery doctor. The genius you're always raving about. Who is he? Just tell me his name.
Adrian Monk: I can't tell you. It's privileged information.
Harold Krenshaw: No, it's not. What happens in the sessions is privileged. His name isn't privileged. People recommend therapists every day. Am I right, Natalie?
Natalie: I don't know, Harold, I'm just waiting for the conversation to be over.
Adrian Monk: Okay, fine, fine. His name is Doctor... Door.
Harold Krenshaw: Doctor Door? Is that the best you could do? I suppose if we were standing over there by that alarm, You would have said Doctor Bell?
Natalie: [does a spittake all over Harold] Oh, God, Harold. I'm so sorry!
Harold Krenshaw: Don't touch me! Don't touch me!
Natalie: Sorry, I'm sorry.

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