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Quote from Adrian Monk in Mr. Monk Meets His Dad

Adrian Monk: That's why you called me? After 39 years. To fix a parking ticket?
Jack Monk: I know you can do it. I've been reading all about you. You are a hotshot detective. Which I take a little bit of credit for.
Adrian Monk: Oh.
Jack Monk: Who read Sherlock Holmes to you every night? "Holmes, oh, you amaze me." Adrian, here's the thing. If I don't get to Phoenix in the morning, I lose the job. And this gig, it's my life. What do you say?
Adrian Monk: I say good-bye.
Captain Stottlemeyer: Monk, Hey, Monk, look. He's not a young man. If you walk away now, you might never see him again.
Adrian Monk: You promise?

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