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Quote from Natalie in Mr. Monk and the Big Game

Natalie: Come on girls. Bring it in, bring it in. Hustle, hustle. You're doing great. We're still in there. But you're giving them too many open looks at the basket.
Adrian Monk: Don't let them look at the basket.
Natalie: Right.
Adrian Monk: It's like this. Okay. This is the basket.
Natalie: Right.
Adrian Monk: Actually, the rim is-- It's really orange.
Natalie: Mr. Monk, we only have 30 seconds.
Adrian Monk: Yeah, plenty of time. All right, now, you see that circle in the middle there? You know that circle? There's some lines missing. [buzzer sounds]
Natalie: All right, keep your hands up. Keep on in there.

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