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Quote from Adrian Monk in Mr. Monk vs. the Cobra

Adrian Monk: Is this his hairbrush?
Eddie: Oh, that's right.
Adrian Monk: Sonny used that brush while he was filming Death and the Darkness in 1985. I bought it from his personal hairstylist. So that's his actual hair in the bristles. Could I see that?
Eddie: Sure.
Adrian Monk: "Made in Croatia."
Natalie: So?
Adrian Monk: Croatia's a new country. It didn't exist until 1992.
Eddie: Oh, my God. I've been rooked! He sold me a phony hairbrush!
Adrian Monk: I don't think so. Somebody picked this lock. Someone broke in here, took the real brush, and replaced it with this one. Oh, my God.
Natalie: What?
Adrian Monk: I've got it. At least, I think I do. We got to get back to the Fair Lawn Cemetery fast.

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