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Quote from Lieutenant Disher in Mr. Monk vs. the Cobra

Captain Stottlemeyer: Get a list of tenants. Start knockin' on doors. Lieutenant, I thought you had the perimeter.
Lieutenant Disher: Fist of the Cobra. 1975. I've got that same poster in my room. Oh, look at this. That's from Ten Fingers of Doom. He broke his arm doing that stunt. He still finished the scene, though. Oh, my God!
Captain Stottlemeyer: What?
Lieutenant Disher: He's got a bootleg copy of Enter the Cobra. Can I have this?
Captain Stottlemeyer: No, you can't have it, Detective. This is a crime scene.
Lieutenant Disher: Let's watch it. [off Stottlemeyer's look] Fine, I'll put it back.

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