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Quote from Adrian Monk in Mr. Monk Joins a Cult

Adrian Monk: Are you ready?
Natalie: What's the big surprise?
Adrian Monk: I'm finally going to do it. I'm gonna take the plunge.
Natalie: Oh my God! You're going to buy a cell phone?
Adrian Monk: No, beeper.
Natalie: A beeper?
Adrian Monk: It's all you need.
Natalie: No, Mr. Monk, nobody uses beeper anymore. They're ancient history.
Adrian Monk: Dr. Kroger has one.
Natalie: Well, except for doctors. Doctors use them because they work anywhere, they are more reliable.
Adrian Monk: Reliable is good. That's what we want. So when you are out with Julie, or you are on a date, I can beep you.
Natalie: Hold on, hold on! The beeper's for me?
Adrian Monk: Yeah, it's only $29 a month, you can afford it.
Natalie: And you want me to pay for it? That's your big surprise.
Adrian Monk: Are you- Are you surprised?
Natalie: You know what's kinda sad? I'm not.

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