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Quote from Natalie in Mr. Monk Is At Your Service

Natalie: What does that prove?
Captain Stottlemeyer: Are you kidding? It proves everything. There's nothing to discuss.
Natalie: Captain, we were there yesterday. There's no reception. He couldn't have made that call.
Captain Stottlemeyer: That happens all the time, Natalie, for a million different reasons. Different cell phones, terrain... Read the coroner's report. April 9th, one year ago, Camilla Buchanan died in the accident upon impact. Ralph Buchanan died of a heart attack.
Natalie: He did it. I know he did it.
Captain Stottlemeyer: Why? Because he made you cry in homeroom?
Natalie: Because I know him and guys like him. They think they own the world, and you know what? Because they do.

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