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Quote from Adrian Monk in Mr. Monk Goes to the Circus

Adrian Monk: Why kill Edgar Heinz? Well, you had no choice. He knew that you had murdered your ex-husband that Monday night. [A clown appears behind Monk]
Miss Lovara: Mr. Monk, you are demented.
Adrian Monk: Nevertheless, you did it. [to the clown] Excuse me. I'm- I'm summing up the case here.
Miss Lovara: The killer ran away. My foot is broken. You saw the X-ray.
Adrian Monk: All week I've been asking the wrong question. I've been asking if your foot was broken. I should have been asking when your foot was broken. It's true. You fell during a show two weeks ago. But it wasn't an accident. You said it yourself the first thing you learn is how to fall. I'm guessing it was one of the best performances of your life, Natasia. And your fear of hospitals came in quite handy. There was no X-ray. Everyone just accepted the fact that your foot was broken. [to the clown] What is your problem?
Captain Stottlemeyer: Hey, clown. Take a walk.
Adrian Monk: The night of the murder, you slipped out of your cast and followed your ex-husband and his girlfriend. You waited until they were in a crowded restaurant. You needed witnesses to see you running. That was the key to your plan. I wasn't there, but I heard you were dazzling. You really are the Queen of the Sky.
Miss Lovara: An interesting theory, Mr. Monk. Perhaps you'd like to X-ray my foot again.
Adrian Monk: No need for that. I'm quite sure it really is broken.
Miss Lovara: Good.
Captain Stottlemeyer: Now. You knew you'd be a suspect, and you knew that we'd want an X-ray.
Adrian Monk: It's not an easy thing to do breaking your own foot. After the murder, you came back here. It was late. Everyone was sleeping. Everyone except Dede's trainer. His trailer was right there. He probably woke up and looked outside. Can't somebody do something about this clown?
Captain Stottlemeyer: Look, I'm a police officer. Knock it off. Go ahead.
Miss Lovara: Like Tolstoy, you know how to tell a clever story. But you need proof. The elephant isn't talking. Anyone could have put that radio thing in her ear.
Captain Stottlemeyer: Randy, take that down to the laboratory straightaway.
Adrian Monk: I don't think they'll find any prints. She's too smart. I'm sure she wiped it down. Then again, that walkie looks brand new. Which means she had to put batteries in it. You did remember to wipe your prints off the batteries, didn't you, Natasia?

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