Jay Quote #374

Quote from Jay in Lifetime Supply

Jay: Yes! I knew it! You see that, Manny? Dumb luck always runs out. But if you live in the real world, and you use your head, not have it in the clouds like Dr. Dolittle there, you'll do okay.
Manny: Guess we should have listened to Jay on this one, dad.
Jay: You got that right. You should have listened to Jay. And I'll tell you something else. You can't look in a horse's eyes and tell there's something wrong. You can't even look in their eyes at the same time; one's here and one's here!


 ‘Lifetime Supply’ Quotes

Quote from Luke

Gloria: That's the problem with Americans. They expect all of us to know their language, but they don't even make the effort to learn ours.
Walt: Win a war sometime. Then we'll start talking like you.
Luke: Ha. So wrong.

Quote from Javier

Javier: Look into his eyes. I don't care what the doctor says. I give him six months.

Quote from Alex

Cameron: Oh, that looks great up there! How impressed are you with your uncle right now?
Alex: So impressed.
[aside to camera:]
Alex: I didn't wanna ruin their moment by telling them how many awards I've gotten, but let's just say I don't get out of bed for a trophy that size.