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Quote from Claire in In Your Head

Shirl Chambers: You're actually trying to poach Lazlo from me? I thought we were friends.
Claire: We were, and then you bought all my pineapple knobs.
Shirl Chambers: As a gift!
Claire: What?
Shirl Chambers: I had them sent to you.
Claire: You did?
Jay: Don't listen to her. This is all part of some sick plan. Stealing Claire's proposals, Earl's urn to get in my head. But your little games are not gonna work.
Claire: Yeah. Yeah, how do you explain the red ketchup stains on my proposal, French Fries?
Shirl Chambers: I never use ketchup. I like my fries the way I like my Lazlo, undressed.
Lazlo: Twiddle-Dee.
Claire: You guys have a really complicated relationship.

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