Trending Malcolm in the Middle Quotes

Quote from Malcolm in Halloween

Hal: Shouldn't you be in bed?
Malcolm: I got sick of lying there, so I thought I'd look on the Internet for stuff about the murders. I got police reports, crime photos, newspaper articles... There's a ton of stuff.
Hal: Really?
Malcolm: The guy's name was Gareth Stringer. Normal guy, Scout master, everybody loved him. So, one day, out of nowhere, he comes home from work and murders his entire family. They say he lived here with five headless bodies for a week before he finally killed himself.
Hal: For a whole week, huh?
Malcolm: That's where the wife's body was found. [Hal whimpers and moves] He put all the tongues in a pile right there. [Hal moves every time Malcolm points to another location] So I guess that must have been skin wall. And that was hair corner. Over there were... finger puppets?! Oh, finger puppets. Wow, the really freaky stuff happened in the kitchen. Oh, and in the bathroom and the bedrooms, too.
Hal: Malcolm, is there any place in this house where bloody pieces of dismembered bodies weren't found?
Malcolm: Well... Yes. Right there.
Hal: Right here?
Malcolm: That's where they all begged for mercy. [Hal whimpers]


Quote from Ida in The Grandparents

Boy #1: Hey, look at the mama's boy.
Ida: You going to take that?
Malcolm: What?
Ida: Hey, you boys! Come back here and say that.
Malcolm: Grandma, what are you doing?
Boy #1: Who's this? Your 90-year-old bodyguard?
Malcolm: No, no, it's okay. She's kidding. [bullies walk away]
Ida: Nushkaya zibhat shinka! [picks up rock and throws it at the bully]
Boy #1: Ow!
Malcolm: Grandma. Oh, geez.