Malcolm Quote #451

Quote from Malcolm in Future Malcolm

Leonard: This is a terrible idea.
Malcolm: No, this is just what you need. Remember? A job, people, a life.
Leonard: But why here?
Malcolm: Because this is the only guy I know that would trade a job interview for a Hong Kong Phooey lunch box.
Craig: [enters] Greetings, Earthlings. [makes Spock salute]
Leonard: You've got to be kidding me.
Malcolm: Trust me, I know it's going to be hard, but if you can just keep your mouth shut for five minutes with this guy, you're home free.
Craig: I'm waiting, princess.


 ‘Future Malcolm’ Quotes

Quote from Otto

Otto: Francis, you have inspired me to new heights. See how I have captured the confident power of your torso, the sheer arrogance of your ass.

Quote from Malcolm

[Reese is eating a jalapeno pepper as Malcolm reads the Guinness Book of World Records]
Reese: [groans] How many more for the record?
Malcolm: Two more tubs should do it. [to camera] There really isn't a category for eating jalapenos, but I think he's probably suffered enough. I'm going to tell him in a minute.
[cut to Malcolm dumping another bag of ice in Reese's bath:]
Reese: [whimpers]
Malcolm: [to camera] I'm so close to telling him, honest.
[cut to Reese running into a wall:]
Reese: [yells] Ninty-seven.
Malcolm: [to camera] Really, I'm going to tell him.
Reese: [yells]

Quote from Malcolm

Malcolm: Anything I want to do, they don't understand. And if they do understand, they just make fun of it. But why should I expect them to be any different than the rest of the world? Let's face it, everyone on this planet is a brain-dead, butt-scratching half-wit.
Stevie: Bite... us.