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Quote from Hal in Standee

Hal: Excuse me! Excuse me!
Jerry: Yeah?
Hal: I don't know if you remember, I put this cat habitat out last week.
Jerry: Yeah, I can't take that. It's too big.
Hal: But, you took the six pack that I left you. You must have known it was an advance thank you.
Jerry: Actually, I thought it was an overdue apology.
Hal: Apology? Why would this family give you an apology?
Jerry: Because you people are pigs! You don't even use half the stuff you throw out. And nine months after your wife leaves three birth control pills in the pack, here comes the disposable diapers again. Talk about screwed up priorities! And you guys buy those generic diapers that break apart in the can, and yet I notice someone could afford a Toblerone every Friday!
Hal: Hey buddy, this family's trash is none of your business!

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