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Quote from Malcolm in Reese Comes Home: Part 3

Malcolm: I just can't believe he could really be gone.
Dewey: I know. Wow, this diaper's got to be a five-pounder.
Malcolm: I'd like to think Jamie knew what it was for. It's so weird. It seems like all my life I've wished for something horrible to happen to Reese, and now that it has I... I...
Dewey: Miss him?
Malcolm: Yeah.
Dewey: I do, too. Remember when he shaved my eyebrows and glued them back on so I looked permanently surprised? That was genius. [crowd groans as Malcolm detonates the diaper balloons]
Malcolm: Remember that look of pure joy he'd get on Christmas morning when he was smashing our presents? No matter how hard I tried, I could never make Mom's face turn that special purple color. Reese purple.

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