Quote from Hal in Reese Joins the Army: Part 1
[In the morning, Hal walks out of the house with his briefcase and climbs into the car:] Agent Stone: Buckle up. [Hal gasps] I'm Agent Stone. This is Agent Scurry. We're from the FBI. Hal: I thought it was just a squirrel. That's why I kept going. God, if I could have that day back, I would give anything... Agent Stone: Sir, this is about the company you work for. In the last eight months we've filed 230 criminal indictments. People are flying into jail cells. It's beautiful. Except for your department. But we're just about ready to pounce on Ken Wixted. Hal: Ken Wixted? Agent Stone: We've got him dead-to-rights. We just need you to confirm a couple of key details. Did you ever see Ken Wixted change the numbers on a Section 13B filing after it was signed by the company auditors? Hal: What? No. Agent Stone: Did he ever mention, maybe in passing, anything about an offshore account in the Cayman Islands, or a villa? Anything about a villa? Hal: I don't think so. Agent Stone: Hal, we really, really need you to search your memory. Think hard about whether you're remembering right, or whether you should change your answer to yes. Hal: Do you want me to lie? Agent Stone: We're just asking if you'd like to confirm what everybody already knows, or whether you'd like to provoke the full fury of the United States government. Now, can you swing by my kid's school? I forgot to give him his lunch.