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Quote from Francis in Experiment

Francis: Hey, Fred, where are you going with that piglet?
Fred: Well, can't keep him in the pen. The sow rejected him.
Francis: So you're gonna take him home?
Fred: Yeah, that's what I'm gonna do.
Francis: Oh, no! Do you have to?
Fred: Well, listen, he's half the size of the rest of the litter. The other piglets won't let him feed. It's the humane thing to do.
Francis: Fred, you can't do this. Look at his face. He knows you're gonna take him out and kill him.
Fred: Well, he does now.
Francis: Ralph!
Fred: What?
Francis: You can't kill him if he has a name. It's Ralph. Little Ralph the piglet.
Fred: Aw, geez. That's my kid's name. Here.

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