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Quote from Otto in Academic Octathalon

Francis: I am having the best time with Piama today. It's like every moment was perfect, and-and seemed to blend perfectly Into the next perfect moment.
Otto: I have had 25 years of days like that with my Gretchen.
Gretchen: I heard that, schminky pants. [blows a kiss]
Otto: I will save this for later. [laughs]
Francis: See, when marriage works, there is nothing like it. Now let me ask you something. You and Gretchen... You never argue about chores, right? Like, if there's an errand to be run, you do it, she does it, who cares?
Otto: I never really thought about it.
[cut to:]
Otto: I am sick and tired of doing all of these chores!
Gretchen: Ooh!
Otto: I work hard all day!
Gretchen: I work like a dog, and you don't appreciate it! You just spend money on whatever you want!
Otto: I spend?! You spend money like we have a key to the mint or someplace!

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