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Quote from Reese in If Boys Were Girls

Karen Tracy: Hi, I'm Karen Tracy. I was speaking to one of your boys earlier.
Lois: Oh, my God, I'll kill him.
Karen Tracy: See, these kind of outbursts are exactly the sort of thing we can help you with. I'm with the Department of Child Services.
Lois: What? What are you talking about?
Karen Tracy: Look, we're not making any judgments yet, but the department takes the safety of children very seriously. I'd like you to come in for an evaluation. What's the last known address of the boy's father?
Lois: Wait a minute. This is a mistake. My boys are fine.
Reese: It wasn't me. Somebody planted those teeth on me.
Security Guard: These your kids?
Old Woman: I was just trying to buy a slip, and they all jumped on me like jackals.
Malcolm: She's lying. We were just trying to pull Reese off of her.
Hal: Oh, Lois, thank God I found you. Look, we got to get out of here before... [sees security guard and runs]
Reese: [pushes over security guard] Run!

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