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Quote from Lois in Grandma Sues

Lois: Oh. I think I'm going to be sick.
Hal: I know. I feel the same way.
Lois: No, I really think I'm going to throw up.
[cut to:]
Doctor: Well, I think I figured out why you're feeling so lousy, Lois. You're pregnant.
[Hal and Lois are momentarily speechless]
Lois: Pregnant?
Doctor: Congratulations. [laughs] This is the best part of my job. Seeing the looks on people's faces when I give them the good news.
[Hal and Lois feign smiles]
Hal: This is... fantastic.
Lois: Thank you so much, Doctor. Now, you're 100% sure? Because it would be terrible if you were somehow wrong. Like, maybe my chart got mixed up with someone else's?
Doctor: No. It's your chart. I promise.
Hal: Could you just make our happiness complete and- and- and check again?
Lois: Yes. Take as much blood as you need. Just be certain. We wouldn't want you to take our dream away.
Doctor: Relax. I am absolutely sure. Congratulations.

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