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Quote from Reese in Boys at Ranch

Man: Hey, fellas, what can I do for you?
Malcolm: Um, we're looking for some sparklers. And do you have any of those things called pinwheels?
Man: Sure do. Also got some lady fingers. [a customer drives away]
Reese: Okay, let's start with 18 genies, two dozen gel-ignited pomegranates, and a case of devil dragons.
Man: We're out of the 99s, you want 44s at half price?
Malcolm: 44s are worthless. Make it six packs of red dogs with time-delay fuses.
Man: Powder or aluminum phosphate?
Reese: Who do you think you're dealing with?
Malcolm: One last thing. We're planning an event for a friend. You got anything that will make it really special?
Man: Depends on how much you're willing to spend.
Reese: Why don't you let my dad worry about that?
Man: Boys, I'd like to introduce you to the Komodo 3000.
Reese: Oh, yeah. This will get him back.

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