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Quote from Hal in Stupid Girl

Dewey: You're supposed to take me ice-skating today. Where were you?
Hal: I'm sorry, Dewey. I got stuck at the office.
Lois: So, Hal, I called the office today and they said you took the whole day off.
Hal: That's right. I spent the whole day ice-skating with Dewey. Oh, you should see the boy, Lois. Twirling and jumping on that ice. He did a double axel that was, quite frankly, exquisite.
Lois: Hal, we've got to go over next month's budget tonight.
Hal: Oh, I can't tonight, honey. I have to go into the office to make up for the time I missed with Dewey. Yeah, the office. Can't get enough of the good ol' office. [crushes peas with spoon]

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