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Quote from Reese in Reese Drives

Jackie: [on cell phone] No, Daddy, this is not my fault, I'm just a passenger. How is this making you look like a chump? I'm the one- Hold on. [switches line] Hello? No! No, I'm on the other line. If you wanna talk to him so bad , use the bullhorn thingy! [switches line] Hi, I'm back. No, I was not talking to Mom, it was the- Daddy, I don't care who she's- No, I will not tell her! You have to stop putting me in- Go ahead. You know what, go ahead, cancel the card, cancel all my cards! I'm gonna be in this car for the rest of my life, anyway. [hangs up]
Reese: OK, I've got an idea.
Jackie: What?
Reese: There's a railroad crossing about a mile ahead. If we jump out a split second before the train squashes the car, we can start new lives as circus people.
Jackie: Reese, come on, this is getting scary. What are you gonna do? [low fuel light comes on]
Negotiator: [over bullhorn] "This is your last warning. Pull over or you will be forced from the road."
Reese: Jackie, I have to tell you something. Just because I hate you doesn't mean I'm not sorry.
Jackie: What?
Reese: I didn't mean to get you into this! It's just that- I'm not- You know, I'm not very smart. So when I get in trouble, I panic, and then I do things that make it worse. I'm really sorry. And your dad is a tool.
Jackie: Hey, I was just kidding about the kidnapping thing. You have enough to worry about without me being a jerk about it, right?
Reese: Wait a second! Jackie, gimme your phone! I have a brother who's a total genius, he'll know what to do.

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