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Quote from Lois in Company Picnic: Part 1

Meg: Do you work for the company or are you a drag-along?
Lois: Definitely a drag-along.
Meg: Oh, me too. Me too. My husband drags me along to these functions then he runs off and talks to his friends.
Lois: I hide.
Meg: Hide?
Lois: From my kids.
Meg: It's great to have somebody to talk to. I'm really so bad at social situations. My psychiatrist says I'm emotionally detached and that I have paranoid fantasies about what people think about me. [giggles]
Lois: Uh-huh? [steps back]
Meg: Yeah, sometimes, it can get really ugly. False accusations, crying attacks. I don't know why my husband married me. Oh, I mean, I know why I married him. I'm addicted to disapproval.
Lois: Ah. [steps back] Really?
Meg: Yeah. Of course, I only have myself to blame. He's exactly like my father was. Oh, my God! He was so judgmental. Every time I opened my mouth, I felt I was torturing him.

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